Saturday, March 7, 2009

A advice

Earlier before the UFC 96 started, I chatted with a pretty friend of mine who trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and she can make a guy cry haha! I asked some advice on my weakness. Some of my weaknesses in Jiu Jitsu is when I'm on the top of my opponent. So this is her advice to me

there are two types... small man and big man jiujitsu.. Asians usually play small man because of their size and swiftness in defense. I personally play big man despite my size because I would rather impose my game than be the one on the bottom defending...

they say... that when you're defending, you're losing... but hey, some people are really good at defending so if playing on the ground is what you're good at, then hone the skill but the problem for you is when your opponent also plays on the ground and doesn't like playing on top. This will be the time your top game skills need to come in...

the only way you can get good at your top game is to keep training moves from the top.... that's all... just train.

So experience is the key to improve my game. Thanks Ms. May Masuda :)


It's been a while since the last time I my blog. I've been so busy this past few weeks. I changed my training schedule by putting more strength and conditioning workouts on my schedule. Right now I'm going to 2 gyms every weekdays.

Monday- 6-8pm: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training 8:05pm-9:30- Strength and conditioning
Tuesday- 6-8pm: Strength and conditioning plus 30 minutes on the treadmill and weight lifting
Wednesday- Same as Monday
Thursday- Same as Tuesday
Friday- day: Muay Thai training
night: Rolling/ fight(no time limit)
Saturday(optional)- Tue&Thu Schedule

So after my workout, I go straight to the ref,get some food,eat then take a shower,check some mails(go online to facebook of course) then go to sleep. I will do my best to update my blog! Thanks everyone who read my blog